A web based cottage industry
offering high quality sport and scale rubber powered FF models

CB Model designs has now gone electric with the
JOULBOX 190 and APACHE II E-36 models


our products - Hyperion Z1709-06 brushless motor


Hyperion Z1709-06
high performance brushless motor

The Hyperion Z1709-06 is a superior quality brushless motor that is no longer in production. These motors are thought of as the best available for E-36 models. CB Model Designs has acquired the remaining stock of these fine motors and is making them available to our customers. Update: All remaining stock has been sold. This info is being maintained for information only. Combined with an APC 6 x 6E prop, these motors will produce outstanding climb performance.

Hyperion Z1709-06 brushless motor

sold out
no longer available
from the manufacturer

info maintained here
for reference only

Hyperion Z1709-06 pics:

  copyright 2017 CB Model Designs
This page last updated February 03, 2017